Marketing Made Simple

Marketing Made Simple

This is a newer release 2020 from Donald Miller book StoryBrand. I actually read this one first which was fine and while it does define StoryBrand's methodology this book is more focused on how it works for customer touchpoints such as email or social and applying it everywhere. The psychology behind establishing a relationship with your customers and how to influence their decisions.

Useful from this book is a five-part checklist and in chapter five it defines what elements are required in a website build for it to be effective.

  • Header
  • Stakes
  • Value Proposition
  • About the guide
  • The Plan
  • Explain paragraph
  • Video
  • Price Choices
  • Junk drawer

There are also a series of examples of where this has been applied

To find out more about StoryBrand I've written an article on our blog

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