Regional Contact

Get in Contact

2/32 Morrow Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
1300 125276
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm

Contact FAQs

Does'nt outsourcing overseas make it cheaper for customers?

Yes, it definitely does make things cheaper at least initially. We're also not knocking the quality of services or the capability of contractors overseas. 

What we're doing at RWD is setting up local regional professionals to take business forward in the digital world we live in. We feel that digital solution specialists are the best chance the regional Australia has for surviving an outsourcing epidemic that has already killed our retail sector.

We're not saying we can do services as cheap as our overseas counterparts. If we try to then we're also doomed to failure. There is however a value in keeping things local in Australia when it comes to digital marketing. Understanding a problem far better than could ever be done remotely and figuring out a solution that keeps jobs in Australia is our goal. 

What is the cost of RWD digital services?

 If you are a business looking for digital services, while we guide our members on industry chargers they are free to charge whatever is required to get the job done properly. We are also not responsible for the quoting, delivery or maintenance of these services.

RWD charges for memberships providing a listing, training, collaboration and other services.

RWD may choose to put together a team of members from it's network to run a project. While this is not the intent of RWD we are a member of our network as well so reserve the right to work with our members if they should feel the need to invite us to a project.

Can I get help from RWD wITH  digitial marketing

RWD try to keep things local with freelancers and agencies when it comes to growing these services in regional Australia. However if services are not available or partially available we may partner with a local provider to incorporate  some of the services required to undertake the solution. The local provider would need to be an active member and be properly vetted through our process to ensure they have the right level of skill, experience and knowledge in their chosen skillset.

© 2025 Regional Web Developer Web Design & Development  
Based in Cairns & Wagga networking regional freelancers and agencies